Saturday 7 January 2017

Daily Journal Prompt: January 7, 2017

Prompt: Write a poem that refers to Romeo and Juliet


He was her Romeo,
Soft brown eyes, warm smile,
And a heart of gold.

And she was his Juliet,
Bright eyes, long brown hair,
And a smile that could light up any room.

But their love was forbidden,
against the rules of society.
For she was in a higher social class,
and he just a man of the city.

But every night, they found each other
Whether it be in a back booth at the local cafe,
or on a side street where nobody would know.

Hotels, taxis, and discretion
Are all they know as lovers.
They long to be together,
But the thought of punishment still covers
their love, in a cloak of shadows
from the curtains in the hotel room in the rain.

But, one evening, lit by the glow of a bedside candle,
They decided they could no longer be apart,
And vowed to stay together, they way that they were,
Because no feeling, not even fear, is stronger than those of the heart.

So rather than getting dressed, and departing when the clock struck ten,
They laid in harmony and comfort,
For nothing could be sweeter just then.

For he was her Romeo,
And she his Juliet,

And this love story, neither of them will forget.

Friday 6 January 2017

Daily Journal Prompt: January 6, 2017

Prompt: Write a poem using the title “Lines of Conversation”.

Lines of Conversation

         “Oh, hello there Beautiful”
Was when her smile got a little brighter

        “Would you like to dance?”
Was a phrase which gave her the shivers

        “I love you”
Became words that she could not live without

        “Will you marry me?”
Made her cry

        And “I do”
Made them both grow closer in love

Within these lines of conversation, between he and I,
you’ll find the most memorable moments of our lives...

Because in these lines, there are years of feelings,

which amount to endless love.

Daily Journal Prompt: January 5, 2017

Prompt: Write a poem that focuses on sound.

The Sounds of Love

                                            She waits in silence for her lover.

                                            The time passes on the clock upon the wall,

                                           As a tear rolls down her face and plummets to the floor.

                                          Then suddenly there’s a hand on the door,

                                          And in her ears, there’s the sound of a thousand fireworks,
                                          exuberant and joyous as she eyes her lover
                                          stepping his way across the old floor,

                                          Then, as they fall into a tender embrace, she can hear his heart
                                         And there, in that room, all that could be heard were
                                         the sounds of

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Daily Journal Prompt: January 4, 2017

Prompt: Write a poem with a seasonal theme.

As the thick frost depletes across the water,
and the nip of the crisp air becomes less painful,
we see the buds of the once lost rose bushes peek out
from behind the safe havens of their secure rooted nests.

A bee’s buzz floats along the air
as he longs for the sweet treat he’s been waiting
long months for,
As in the woods animals of all kinds
begin to stretch their stiff limbs,
while embracing warmth.

The time has come
for Winter to drift into Spring,
as heavenly scents fill the air,
and the songs of birds are carried through the clouds.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Daily Journal Prompt: January 3, 2017

Prompt: Write a poem titled “When I Am Old”

When I Am Old

When I am old,
I will not become unable

When I am old,
I will not be changed

When I am old,
I will still do the things I used to

When I am old,
People won’t forget my name...

When I am old,
I will not be a stereotype

When I am old,
I will continue to pursue things which give my heart delight

When I am old,
I will never back down to a fight

When I am old,
I will still be bold

When I am old...

I will not be old.